Listing Courtesy Of:
RE/MAX Ace Realty, 4847120009, Lin Lin Tou
Místní realitní služby poskytované:
Keller Williams Partners
Co to bude stát
Podobné domy
4 lůžka
4 koupele
čtverečních stop
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(před 5 dny)
Odhad poskytnutý společností Keller Williams Realty Inc..
4 lůžka
4 koupele
čtverečních stop
Na prodej
Popis nemovitosti
Driving up this quiet tree lined street in the award-winning Garnet Valley school district, when you stop in front of 1010 Baldwin Drive you can’t help but be impressed by the stunning stone front builder model home with a gorgeous palladium window. The builder held nothing back within it’s over 4800 square feet. Walking in, you will first notice upgraded gleaming hardwood floors, on one side is the large dining room with wainscoting and a tray ceiling. On the other side is the formal living room with a bumped front window. There is a jaw dropping solarium that is a versatile room to enjoy throughout the year. This spectacular room even has its own A/C unit! Progressing further, there is a half bath with hardwood flooring and a pedestal sink. Further on you will enter a gourmet kitchen with 42 inch cherry cabinets, Corian counters, a built-in cooktop, stainless steel double ovens and a pantry. The wrap around island also has a raised counter top to allow for more seating. The kitchen has a nine-foot extension that houses the morning room, which when combined with the double counter makes this a great gathering place for everyone. There is plenty of room to use the morning room as a work space or a fun area for everyone to enjoy while meals are prepared. On the other side is the carpeted family room featuring a four- foot bump out and a stone surround gas fireplace. Flanking the fireplace are two floor to ceiling windows. From the kitchen morning room, you can walk out to a large trex no maintenance deck, and then downstairs from the deck is a 20x13 EP Henry paved patio. Between the deck and patio, space is no limit to the kinds of entertainment you can organize on this premium lot. Throughout the yard there are upgraded plantings, all part of the top of the line landscaping package, adding a park like feeling to the setting for you to enjoy. Beyond the kitchen is a laundry room complete with sink and an oversized 2 car garage. Upstairs also has plenty of space, with a foyer to open the level up. On one side is a set of double doors leading to the very large primary bedroom that is the builder’s upgrade option. This room has a tray ceiling, a sitting area and three large closets. It sits above the well insulated garage, allowing for better heat energy efficiency in the cold winter days. The primary bath has double cherry vanity sinks, a soaking tub with jets, tile surround shower and separate toilet. Adjacent to this bedroom is another large bedroom filled with light from oversized windows. The other wing has an additional two bedrooms, both with large windows and ample closet space. Between the two wings is a full bathroom also with tile flooring, and a double cherry vanity. Heading down to the basement, there is another half bath and two fully finished beautifully carpeted rooms just waiting for your decorating touch. One is currently used as a media room and the other could be an office or gym, if desired. The rest is unfinished and has tons of storage available. The walk up exit has a new sliding door with a 3-points lock for extra security that leads out to the yard. A new roof, gutters, siding, front door and 14 new windows were all installed over the past 10 years. It has a radon remediation system that has never needed to be used. With all the custom windows the house is filled with natural light throughout the day. There are flood lights, security system, and a front lawn irrigation system along with a water booster and battery backed sump pump. Being so close to Delaware gives you access to tax free shopping! The area is home to many popular stores such as Whole Foods, Costco, Trader Joe’s, Wegmans and the famous Booths Corner farmers market. There are numerous sports clubs and ice rinks for adults and children alike. The Brandywine Youth Club is around the corner and the Darlington Art Center is close by along with several dance clubs. Hospitals, clinics and specialty care facilities are nearby.
Údaje poskytnuté společností Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Kupní cena:
Jistina + úrok
Daň z nemovitosti
Pojištění domácnosti
HOA/poplatek za byt
Hypoteční pojištění
Měsíční platba
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Přihlaste se nebo si zaregistrujte účet Keller Williams ještě dnes a získejte přístup k exkluzivnímu obsahu a další podpoře od místního agenta Keller Williams®!
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Seznam Kategorie
Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
4 lůžka
4 koupele
Dny na místě
14 Dny
Rok postavený
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Architektonický styl/Design
Concrete Perimeter
Stavební materiály
Vinyl Siding
Vodní zdroj
Interiérové prvky
Cooling: Central A/C
Heating: Forced Air,Heat Pump(s)
Cooling Fuel: Electric
Heating Fuel: Natural Gas
Cooktop - Down Draft
Oven - Double
Exteriérové prvky
Parkovací funkce
6 parkovacích míst
Types: Attached Garage,Driveway
Features: Asphalt Driveway
Has Garage: Y
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